
  • In the News, IT, Smartphones Other things

    hey all, its been a while ..

    Well today is Friday the weekend is here and its nice outside, beach sounds like a good idea how about a trip to the gym then the beach! lol well things are slow in shopping land due to the fine folks at rogers having a few issues I am sure it will be solved soon .. most people just defaulted to cash. Apple is releaseing a new mac book air new iPhones coming soon version 14 you will be able to get that on Rogers come september should be pretty great. 

    Samsung Galaxy 22 is out another great device which has killer 6E band .. rogers has access to on the 5G it will scream I am sure
    PS: all you should upgrade your router firmware considering the state of the internet .. monthly check would not hurt. If you dont know how look on the bottom of your router it should say how to get into your router with a IP address and potentially the credentials

    if you need help with things like that we are available just send a message .. we are network admins here .. so 

    and we love smartphones and good internet as much as you ! awesome things being developed by some great people out there in terms of AR, VR and other wild technology to allow you to get a more interesting virutal view of games and real life through Occulus and Apple VR/AR headset 

    you have to really be amazed at how far we have come in technology .. it seems just yesterday dial pads were normal lol not really but you get the idea now we have almost quantum computing for the masses. string theory in our pockets lol nano tech all over the place and theoretical science is getting exciting !

    Our Network Administration Service is live now http://XferSec.com feel free to be in touch if you require some services.

    Bitcoin has been a little slow these days but creaping back up .. when I was mining Bitcoin the value was a lot lower lol 600-700 and a good day 1200 so the heights I am seeing these days is virtually insane from when I was mining Teraminers and Script mining all hail the fine crew at #SlushPool !!